Motor Proficiency Evaluation

We assess children’s fine and gross motor skills using a reliable and effective tool that offers insights into their motor development, which is essential for everyday activities. By identifying motor delays early, we can implement timely interventions to enhance children’s ability to participate actively in physical play and classroom activities. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2) is a comprehensive tool that evaluates a child’s coordination, balance, and strength, all of which are crucial for daily functions. Let’s help them embark on a path to success and enjoyment!

Talent Identification

The Talent Identification (TI) assessment helps find out your kid’s physical, mental, and emotional abilities. This information guides you in choosing the right sport that fits you. We use various tests, including body measurements, movement activities, and psychological evaluations, to guide each child to a sport that suits their unique strengths. You may even discover a thrilling new sport that ignites your passion!